Thursday, October 24, 2019


HUMN 330 Values and Ethics Online Course Syllabus Credit Hours: 3 Delivery Method: Online (Internet / Blackboard) Required Textbook Rosenstand, N. (2013). The moral of the story: An introduction to ethics (7th ed. ). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. ISBN: 978-0078038426 Course Description This course focuses on the process of practical ethics as a way of resolving moral conflict and of understanding professional responsibility in a multi-culturally diverse society without devaluating specific viewpoints of ethical or metaphysical theory, ideology, or religion.Students will use proposals, value judgments, observation statements, assumptions, and alternate-world assumptions in arguing contemporary issues of moral importance. With this basic moral logic, students will resolve issues in terms of rights, responsibilities, and the community of rational beings; in terms of consequences and contingencies; and in terms of habituated virtues and character. Free and unrestricted discourse will be enc ouraged so as to let students find common ground in diversity. Course Goals This course is designed to help students: 1. Understand the basic vocabulary and fundamental theories of ethics. . Discover life's values and determine which values are the most worthwhile. 3. Relate the textbook theories to actual life situations. 4. Find greater personal peace by choosing more constructive values. 5. Apply understanding of ethics to personal lives. 6. Understand the relationship between attitudes, values and moral conduct. Learning Outcomes This syllabus was developed for online learning by Dr. Moseby HUMN 330 Online Syllabus 0712 Upon course completion, students will be able to: 1. Judge the role and importance of ethics and evaluate moral behavior based on the criteria of value and self autonomy. . Assess the psychological, sociological, historical, and philosophical background of ethics. 3. Relate the nature and role of reason in understanding values. 4. Relate the nature and characteri stics of freedom when responding to values. 5. Distinguish and apply ethical principles in ethical situations. 6. Explain the various arguments for and against the major contemporary ethical issues. 7. Discuss one’s options for identifying and replacing inferior values. 8. Explain the role, nature, and characteristics of responsibility. 9.Defend the value of and the process of foreseeing the consequences of an individual’s conduct. 10. Defend the choice of a viable ethical theory in solving an ethical problem. 11. Utilize the principles of critical thinking to enhance learning skills and to increase intellectual and moral growth. 12. Evaluate their conduct in the light of constructive ethical expectations. Grading Your final grade will be based on the following evaluation items: Grade Scale 90 – 100% 80 – 89% 70 – 79% 60 – 69% 0 – 59% A B C D F Evaluation Items and Weights Weekly Assignments Discussions Midterm Exam Group Project Fina l Exam Total 5% 30% 15% 15% 15% 100% Activities and Assignments Activities Each module, excluding Module 9, contains various assignments related to the respective module, such as: ? Chapter and Lecture Notes. This activity consists of reading the text and the lecture notes that are posted in each module. ? Reading and Reflection. This activity contains a reading activity that is assigned to stimulate additional thinking and some discussions within the topic area. This syllabus was developed for online learning by Dr. Moseby HUMN 330 Online Syllabus 0712 ? ? Research and Critical Thinking.This activity varies with each module; however, they are typical outside readings with associated discussion questions of short essay-type answers to the topic area. Application. This activity varies with each module and is integrated into the learning modules to help you apply and reinforce the concepts that each module introduces. Weekly Assignments The assignments vary from module to module and a re based on the activities that were contained within the module. Each includes a combination of threaded discussions, short essays, or study questions based on text or outside readings.The weekly assignments comprise 25% of your grade. Discussions The Discussion Board is an integral part of your learning in this course. You are encouraged and expected to participate in online discussions. Regular and meaningful discussion postings are part of your final grade. Each module, excluding Module 9, contain Discussion Board topics or questions that will help sharpen your critical thinking and written communication skills as you study the theories and concepts related to values and ethics.Thirty percent of your course grade will come from your original responses to module discussion prompts and responses to classmates submitted to the appropriate Discussion Board forum in response to these module discussion activities. Please refer to the Checklist for Meaningful Discussions and Discussion Rubric in Module 1. Discussions account for 30% of your grade. Exams Both the Midterm and Final Exams are time-limited online tests. The Midterm will cover Modules 1 through 4 (Chapters 1-6) and is to be taken in Week 4. The Final is comprehensive (Modules 1-4 and 5-9, Chapters 1-13) and is to be taken during Week 9.The Midterm and Final are each worth 15% of your grade. Group Project Module 8 is devoted to the group project. The Instructor will divide the class into four virtual groups to discuss a case involving an ethical issue. ? ? ? ? Group 1: Media Ethics Group 2: Theory of Just War Group 3: Animal Welfare and Animal Rights Group 4: Death Penalty Each group will have its own private group discussion forum. Accessing this private forum is a little different from reaching the public discussion forums. You will need to click the Groups menu item, not the Discussion Board.After clicking Groups, you will see the four groups listed but you will only have access to the group you hav e been assigned to. Click your group link to see a list of the other members of your group and then the Group Discussion Board link to access the discussion forum. This syllabus was developed for online learning by Dr. Moseby HUMN 330 Online Syllabus 0712 Work with your assigned group members on the ethics case for your group in your private discussion forum. Identify ethical or moral justifications to support your arguments from the text or additional sources as necessary.Use the Internet to research any additional information you would like to use in your group's discussion. After groups have had time to review and discuss their cases and reach a consensus on the topic, one member of each of group will post its findings to the appropriate thread in the public Module 8 – Group Presentations forum. As individuals, each student will then comment on at least two other group presentations. The group project makes up 15% of your grade. Additional Information Library Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University has one of the most complete library collections of aviation-related resources in the world. ? ERAU Libraries: http://library. erau. edu/ Hunt Library Worldwide: Information, Services, Help o Worldwide Library: Basic Training o Worldwide Library: Ask-a-Librarian o Reference: Research Request Contact Information ? Hours: Monday – Friday 8:00 a. m. – 5:00 p. m. Eastern Time ? Telephone: 1-800-678-9428 or 386-226-6947 ? Email: [email  protected] edu RefWorks RefWorks is an online database tool that can manage references and citations from almost any source. It provides specific guidance in how to collect and use references, create bibliographies, and write research papers.You may access it through this ERAU organizational login link when signed in to ERNIE or directly from the RefWorks website (http://www. refworks. com). A different link must be used for off-campus access (see these instructions). RefWorks requires users to create a RefWorks-spe cific username and password. Please contact the Hunt Library if you have any questions. Online Sources There are many websites that offer current information on values and ethics and any search engine (Google, etc. ,) will get you to both historic and current information that is relevant to the content of this course.In addition, many links are provided within the online learning modules. APA Format ERAU students should master the American Psychological Association (APA) editorial style format for research papers and other written assignments. Two good websites to bookmark for help citing references used in your assignments and discussion posts are listed below. (See the Academic Resources folder in the Resources area of the course for additional sites on APA style. ) This syllabus was developed for online learning by Dr. Moseby HUMN 330 Online Syllabus 0712 The OWL at Purdue, APA Formatting and Style Guide APA Style. rg Course Policies Academic Integrity Embry-Riddle is committed t o maintaining and upholding intellectual integrity. All students, faculty, and staff have obligations to prevent violations of academic integrity and take corrective action when they occur. The adjudication process will involve imposing sanctions which may include, but are not limited to, a failing grade on the assignment, a failing grade in a course, suspension or dismissal from the University, upon students who commit the following academic violations: 1. Plagiarism: Presenting the ideas, words, or products of another as one’s own.Plagiarism includes use of any source to complete academic assignments without proper acknowledgement of the source. Reuse or resubmission of a student’s own coursework if previously used or submitted in another course, is considered self-plagiarism, and is also not allowed under University policy. 2. Cheating: A broad term that includes, but is not limited to, the following: a. Giving or receiving help from unauthorized persons or material s during examinations. b. The unauthorized communication of examination questions prior to, during, or following administration of the examination. . Collaboration on examinations or assignments expected to be, or presented as, individual work. d. Fraud and deceit, that include knowingly furnishing false or misleading information or failing to furnish appropriate information when requested, such as when applying for admission to the University. Online Learning This course is offered through ERAU Worldwide Online (Blackboard) and runs nine (9) weeks. The first week begins the first day of the term and ends at midnight EDT/EST (as applicable) seven days later.Success in this course requires in-depth study of each module as assigned, timely completion of assignments, and regular participation in forum discussions. Late work should be the exception and not the rule and may be downgraded at the discretion of the Instructor, if accepted at all. Unless all work is submitted, the student co uld receive a failing grade for the course. Extensions may be granted for extenuating circumstances at the discretion of the Instructor and only for the length of time the Instructor deems appropriate. The most important element of success in an online course is to communicate with your Instructor throughout the term.Conventions of â€Å"online etiquette,† which include courtesy to all users, will be observed. Students should use the Send Email function in Blackboard for private messages to the Instructor and other students. The class Discussion Board forums are for public messages. It is highly recommended that students keep electronic copies of all materials submitted as assignments, discussion board posts and emails, until after the end of the term and a final This syllabus was developed for online learning by Dr. Moseby HUMN 330 Online Syllabus 0712 grade is received.When posting responses in a discussion forum, please confirm that the responses have actually been posted after you submit them. Course Schedule Module Title Understanding Values, Morals, and Ethics Activities / Assignments 1. 1 – Introductions 1. 2 – Read Chapter 1; View Morality Video 1. 3 – Reading and Reflection: Morality and Ethics 1. 4 – Application: Current News Search 1. 5 – Discussion 1: Ethical Behavior 1. 6 – Discussion 2: Moral Issues 2. 1 – Read Chapter 2 and 3 2. 2 – Research and Critical Thinking: Haroun and the Sea of Stories Study Questions 2. – Discussion: Understanding the Past 2. 4 – Application: Moral Dilemma 2. 5 – Discussion: Ethnicity vs National Identity 3. 1 – Read Chapter 4; 3. 2 – Research and Critical Thinking â€Å"The Ethics of Emergencies Study Questions† 3. 3 – Reading and Reflection: Altruistic Behaviors 3. 4 – Application: Essay on Rand’s Ideas 3. 5 – Discussion: Understanding Altruism 4. 1 – Read Chapters 5 and 6 4. 2 â €“ Reading and Reflection: Utilitarianism and Deontology 4. 3 – Research and Critical Thinking: Flight 93 and Utilitarianism in Times of Crisis 4. – Discussion: Ends and Means 5. 1 – Review Modules 1 through 4 Learning Objectives 5. 2 – Discussion: Midterm Q & A 5. 3 – Midterm Exam 6. 1 – Read Chapters 7 and 8; Listen to â€Å"I Have a Dream Speech† 6. 2 – Reading and Reflection: Walmart Employment Practices 6. 3 – Application: Education Equity and Social Justice Awareness 6. 4 – Discussion 1: Person vs. Human Being 6. 5 – Discussion 2: Rights and Responsibilities 6. 6 – Research & Critical Thinking: The Trial of Socrates 6. 7 – Application: Resolving Ethical Dilemmas 6. 8 – Discussion 3: Socrates’ Trial 7. – Read Chapters 10 and 11 7. 2 – Research and Critical Thinking: â€Å"Either/Or† Study Questions 7. 3 – Reading and Reflection: Philosophers 7 . 4 – Application: â€Å"Why Courage Matters: The Way to Braver Life† Study Questions 7. 5 – Discussion: Politics 7. 6 – Group Project Preview 8. 1 – Read Chapters 12 and 13; View Gender and Ethics Video 8. 2 – Reading and Reflection: Group Case 8. 3 – Research and Critical Thinking: Group Case 8. 4 – Application: Group Findings 9. 1 – Review Modules 1 through 8 Learning Objectives 9. 2 – Discussion: Final Q and A 9. – Final Exam 1 2 Moral Lessons Through Time and Ethical Relativism 3 Exploring Psychological and Ethical Egoism 4 Utilitarian Reasoning and Universal Law 5 Midterm Exam Week 6 Human Rights, Justice and the Concept of Virtues 7 The Contemporary Perspectives and Case Studies in Virtue 8 Feminism, Virtue, and the Exploration of Ethics in a Global Context 9 Final Exam Week This syllabus was developed for online learning by Dr. Moseby HUMN 330 Online Syllabus 0712 This syllabus was developed for onl ine learning by Dr. Moseby HUMN 330 Online Syllabus 0712

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